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SWA Business Mission - Yangtze River Delta Sustainability Corridor

  • Posted Oct 28, 2024
  • Views 309

Event Description

SWA is pleased to share our upcoming overseas business mission; Yangtze River Delta Sustainability Corridor, from 28th October to 1st November 2024 (tentative). This exciting event is co-organised by SWA, H2MO and Sembcorp with support from Enterprise Singapore, SingCham, and ES&TP (China). This mission offers an exceptional opportunity to explore the thriving Yangtze River Delta, a region renowned for its dynamic economic growth and innovative sustainability initiatives. Participants will gain firsthand insights into the latest advancements in water management and environmental sustainability while engaging with key industry leaders and stakeholders.

Event Details

Date: 28th October 2024 - 1sr November 2024



Objectives of this Business Mission


1. Understand the Sustainability Ecosystem:

• Discover the intricate sustainability network in YRD and its pivotal role in China's green industry.

2. Grasp Market Dynamics:

• Uncover key trends, opportunities, and challenges in YRD and China’s sustainability markets.

3. Seize Opportunities:

• Network with local governments and companies to unlock valuable business opportunities.

4. Learn from the Best:

• Witness firsthand how top Chinese companies excel in scale and sustainability innovation.

5. Master Market Entry:

• Gain strategic insights on how Singapore companies effectively penetrate and thrive in the Chinese market.


Proposed Itinerary
Site Visits

• Shanghai / Suzhou / Yixing

⚬ Suzhou Singapore Industrial Park Authority

⚬ Yixing Environment Science & Technology Park Authorities

⚬ Yixing New Concept Wastewater Treatment Plant

⚬ Yixing Environment Museum

⚬ Visit to SWA’s member companies in China - ACME Pump and H2MO

• Nanjing

⚬ Nanjing Technology University / Nanjing University / Nanjing Government (SNEI/YICEC)

⚬ Sembcorp Forum at Nanjing Global Sustainability Hub (GSH)

⚬ Sembcorp’s Water Plant and Treatment Plant


Networking Lunch & Dinner

• with local government agencies, and both local and overseas environmental companies.


Don't miss this unique opportunity to expand your horizons, enhance your knowledge, and contribute to sustainable development in the Yangtze River Delta.



Join us on this inspiring journey and be part of a collaborative effort to drive innovation and sustainability in the water industry. We look forward to having you with us on this remarkable mission!


Download Brochure: Yangtze River Delta Sustainability Corridor Mission 2024


For more information, please contact Kenny at kenny@swa.org.sg